Tuesday, November 10, 2015

"We Remember" - 2015 Legion Remembrance Video Contest Entry

This was made by one of our high school students.  He's entered it in the video

contest for the Legion.  So amazing!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Good Copy Song

I'm a little obsessed with all things Taylor Swift at the moment, so with writing the Punctuating Song, thought I'd take a stab at turning a Taylor Swift fav into a song about writing.  I love it, and have been singing it all weekend, can't wait to teach the kiddos tomorrow!

Here are the lyrics:

Here is a link to the original video, I found it easier to listen to Taylor singing in the background when I started learning it:

And here is a karaoke version to use in the classroom:

Here is the link to download my song lyrics for "Good Copy":

Punc-tu-a-ting! Song

Soooo I've been doing some YouTube stalking of The Ron Clark Academy lately, and combine that with reading Kim Bearden's book, "Crash Course", and following every one of their teachers on Instagram, watching Hope, Adam and Kim's Periscopes and watching The Ron Clark Story, I guess you could say I'm a little obsessed ;)

And with all the inspiration I decided to try my hand at song writing - partly because I was on Pinterest looking up teaching punctuation ideas, and came across this cute Australian video called punctuation with kung fu fighting.  Now, I immediately thought of the song and went - "Hold up - that would totally work!" They were getting these tiny people to punch the air for full stops and so on, but I knew I could make it into a song.

So I copied the lyrics into PowerPoint, and inserted a text box to the right of it and as I listened to the song on YouTube, I started to play around with the lyrics until they reflected what I've been trying to teach my 2nd graders.  I know, there are always kids who will NEVER remember periods - it's the bane of every teacher's existence - I used to joke I was going to get one hand tattooed with "Capitals" and the other with "Periods" so I could just hold up my hands.  But it's still early in the year, and any effort is worth a shot.

So anywho, here are my lyrics:

Here is the video with lyrics and vocals to get a sense of how to sing it:

And here is a karaoke version, which is what I will use in class to sing along to:

To download my lyrics click here: